Discmania C-line FD1
FD1 7 | 4 | 0 | 2
FD1 - Discmania uus fairway ketas. Oma stabiilse lennu ja etteaimatava hajumisega lennulõpus on FD1 äärmiselt töökindel fairway ketas. On mõningaid sarnasusi FD-ga kuid veidi väiksem glide ja suurem low speed fade aitavad FD1- l paremini toime tulla ka tuulistes oludes.
Eagle McMahon on öelnud:
"The FD1 is perfect for almost all fairway driver shots as its extremely versatile. I'm able to power up on it and essentially shape whatever line I want. Once the FD1 gets beat in, I'm gonna be able to hyzerflip it and just rely on it on a multitude of different situations. The FD1 is the fairway driver that I have been looking for from Discmania for a long time and I'm really pumped to be able to throw it this season." -